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UCantLose is a leading provider of Sports Arbitrage Alerts (also known as arbs). The arbs do not rely on complex formulae or computer programs to trick websites, they are based on simple common sense. An arb occurs when bookies have […]


How you can start making real money on Betfair by trading the lucrative tennis market. www.tennis-trading-league.com


A unique new educational training site, designed for people who are keen on learning the art of pre race horse trading! www.sportstradingjourney.com


Sports Arbitrage Guide is a comprehensive website dedicated to all things related to Sports Arbitrage Trading. www.sportsarbitrageguide.com


SportTrader is a SportsTradingManual created to help and show you how to make money on a betting exchange. Using a described strategy you have a 95% chance of winning. If during 7 days from the time that you buy this […]


Bank of £500 triple in just 11 weeks using Smart Racing Trader strategies with almost zero risk. Trading on UK horses is simpler & much more profitable now. www.smart-racing-trader.com


Sports Arbitrage Betting Site – Win Every Time. There is a method that effectively turns sports betting into a way of investing your money, with regular profits. Please note that this is not gambling, or a “betting system” that only […]


Betfair trading systems & advice for making money on the betting exchanges using dynamic trading techniques and strategies to successfully trade the Betfair … www.proxtrading.com


Betfair Trading Software which provides an enhanced betting interface to the leading Betting Exchange, Betfair. FairBot considerably enhances the services provided by Betfair through the incorporation of real-time price movement charts, market analysis, information displays and trading tools. www.binteko.com


Easy Trader Pro is a complete trading package for punters looking to make real profits from the betting exchanges like Betfair. The main objective of the Easy Trader Pro team was to make it possible for everyone to become a […]

The Bet Engine

TheBetEngine is a SUPERB TOOL FOR AUTOMATING YOUR BETS. Extremely user friendly and very easy to set up. It has a lot of settings that can be tweaked to create and run betting systems for both the horses and the greyhounds and most impressive is that you can run these in test mode as well as in live mode. All in all TheBetEngine is probably the most comprehensive betting bot.

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The Staking Machine

The Staking Machine or TSM for short, is a professional sports betting tool. It is a cutting-edge, bet tracking and system analysis tool. TSM shows you at a glance which staking plan would be best suited to your chosen selection method. TSM could well be the most important piece of betting software you ever purchase. Did you know that similar betting software tools exist in the index and share trading world that can cost £200 upwards? When you see what TSM can do we hope you will quite simply be astonished.

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Bet Angel

The owner Peter Webb was one of the pioneers of bet exchange trading and his expertise has been put to good use in his software. The majority of serious trading enthusiasts will have this product up their sleeve and with good reason. This product has always been way out in front in comparison with the less capable competition. The tool has often been copied by the competition but has never been bettered. It never ceases to amaze how they still manage to regularly improve an already fantastic product. If you want the best possible Betfair trading software then Bet Angel Professional ticks all the boxes.

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